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How to add a code block to a markdown list


Adding a fenced code block to a list in Markdown can be tricky due to formatting rules. The article provides many examples of code blocks in Markdown lists, including explanations of exactly how the examples work.

Problems #

Adding a code block to a list in Markdown can be tricky due to formatting rules. Common problems include:

Examples #

Below you will find examples of how you can add code blocks to Markdown lists. The examples are divided into defined, fenced code blocks, e.g. JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Shell, etc. and undefined code blocks, which output plain text.

The characters in markdown examples denote line breaks.

Defined Fenced Code Block Examples #

A defined fenced (e.g., python, javascript, bash, html, css, etc.) code block should be indented 0 spaces from the list item’s marker (e.g., - , * or 1. ) along with triple backticks for defining the language for syntax highlighting.

The space ( ) is part of the item’s marker. Count from the space onwards.

Unordered List #

The markdown below, renders a definded code block, with python, bash, and html code, within an unordered list.

- Item 1↵
  print("Python code block 1")↵
  - Item 1.1↵
    echo "Bash code block 1.1"↵
    - Item 1.1.1↵
      <p>HTML code block 1.1.1</p>↵

Renders as:

Ordered List #

The markdown below, renders a definded code block, with python, bash, and html code, within an ordered list.

1. Item 1↵
   print("Python code block 1")↵
   1. Item 1.1↵
      echo "Bash code block 1.1"↵
      1. Item 1.1.1↵
         <p>HTML code block 1.1.1</p>↵

Renders as:

  1. Item 1

    print("Python code block 1")
    1. Item 1.1

      echo "Bash code block 1.1"
      1. Item 1.1.1

        <p>HTML code block 1.1.1</p>

Plain Text Code Block Examples #

An undefined (plain text) code block should be indented at least four spaces from the list item’s marker (e.g., - , * or 1. ).

The space ( ) is part of the item’s marker. Count from the space onwards.

Unordered List #

The markdown below, renders an undefinded (plain text) code block within an unordered list.

- Item 1↵
      Plain text code block 1↵
  - Item 1.1↵
        Plain text code block 1.1↵
    - Item 1.1.1↵
          Plain text code block 1.1.1

Renders as:

Ordered List #

The markdown below, renders an undefinded (plain text) code block within an ordered list.

1. Item 1↵
       Plain text code block 1↵
  1. Item 1.1↵
         Plain text code block 1.1↵
    1. Item 1.1.1↵
           Plain text code block 1.1.1

Renders as:

  1. Item 1

    Plain text code block 1
    1. Item 1.1

      Plain text code block 1.1
      1. Item 1.1.1

        Plain text code block 1.1.1

Further readings #

Sources and recommended, further resources on the topic:


Jonas Jared Jacek • J15k

Jonas Jared Jacek (J15k)

Jonas works as project manager, web designer, and web developer since 2001. On top of that, he is a Linux system administrator with a broad interest in things related to programming, architecture, and design. See:


License: How to add a code block to a markdown list by Jonas Jared Jacek is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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<p xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dct=""><a property="dct:title" rel="cc:attributionURL" href="">How to add a code block to a markdown list</a> by <a rel="cc:attributionURL dct:creator" property="cc:attributionName" href="">Jonas Jared Jacek</a> is licensed under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener noreferrer">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>.</p>

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