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Vim: Open multiple files at once


How to open multiple files in tabs of the Vim text editor, following a certain pattern, recursively and non-recursively, at once. Also applies to Neovim.

From the command-line interface (CLI) #

Non-recursively #

To open multiple, e.g. .html files in the Vim text editor from the command-line interface (when starting Vim), you can use the -p option with the vim command and define the file pattern, e.g. a wildcard * for all .html files in the current working directory:

vim -p *.html

This will start Vim and open one tabpage for each .html file in the current working directory.The wildcard abbreviates writing out each file name individually, which is also a possible way to open multiple files in Vim. For example:

vim -p index.html default.html

This will start Vim and open one tabpage for index.html and one for default.html, given both files exist in the current working directory.

Recursively #

To recursively open all .html files, adjust the wildcard to also target sub directories:

vim -p *.html **/*.html

This will start Vim and open one tabpage for each .html file in the current working directory and all sub directories (recursively).

From within Vim - Option 1 #

The commands in option 1 will replace all tabs which are already open!

Non-recursively #

To open multiple e.g. .html files in Vim from within Vim, in normal mode, enter the following two commands, one after the other:

:args *.html
:argdo tabe

The :args command will list all .html files in the argument list. The :ardo command in conjunction with tabe will open a new tabpage for each file in the argument list.

You can clear the argument list with the :argdelete command.

Recursively #

To open all .html files in the current directory and all sub directories (recursively), adjust the :args command line to:

:args **/*.html

Both commands, :args and :argdo are needed to open the files.

You can clear the argument list with the :argdelete command.

From within Vim - Option 2 #

The commands in option 2 will not replace arguments or tabs which are already open.

Non-recursively #

To open multiple e.g. .html files in Vim from within Vim, in normal mode, enter the following two commands, one after the other:

:argadd *.html
:tab all

The :argadd command will add all .html files from the current working directory to the argument list.

The :tab all command opens a new tabpage for all files in the argument list.

You can clear the argument list with the :argdelete command.

Recursively #

To open all .html files in the current directory and all sub directories (recursively), adjust the :argadd command to:

:argadd **/*.html

Both commands, :argadd and :tab are needed to open the files.

You can clear the argument list with the :argdelete command.

Commands #

Explanation of Vim commands used in this document.

View all files in argument list (arglist), shortcut for `:arg` and `:args`
Add files to argument list (arglist), shortcut for `:argadd`
Clear argument list (arglist), shortcut as `:argdelete`
Run command for all files in argument list (arglist)
Open a new tabpage and edit the file
Open a new tabpage and edit the file

Further readings #

Sources and recommended, further resources on the topic:


Jonas Jared Jacek • J15k

Jonas Jared Jacek (J15k)

Jonas works as project manager, web designer, and web developer since 2001. On top of that, he is a Linux system administrator with a broad interest in things related to programming, architecture, and design. See:


License: Vim: Open multiple files at once by Jonas Jared Jacek is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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<p xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dct=""><a property="dct:title" rel="cc:attributionURL" href="">Vim: Open multiple files at once</a> by <a rel="cc:attributionURL dct:creator" property="cc:attributionName" href="">Jonas Jared Jacek</a> is licensed under <a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener noreferrer">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>.</p>

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